• AIMECS 2019


    Asian Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (AFMC) 12th International Symposium

    “New Avenues for Design and Development of Translational Medicine”

    It is a great honor for us to invite you to the 12th Asian Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (AFMC) International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium (AFMC-AIMECS 2019) which will be held in Istanbul, Turkey on September 08-11, 2019.

    AFMC-AIMECS meetings are the most important international event organized by the Asian Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (AFMC) on the biennial years since its first meeting held in Japan in 1997. AFMC-AIMECS meetings provide a very important and beneficial opportunity for the medicinal chemists to stimulate the exchange of ideas, and to evaluate new methods and new lines of investigation for the contribution to the global progress of drug design and development.

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  • ICCST 2018

    5th International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST 2018)

    The International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST) is an international major biennial event that have been organized different countries in Asia-Pacific region since 2010. It has the fascinating scope to promote and disseminate advances in computational methods for basic sciences, engineering, health sciences (drug discovery), and related disciplines.

    The 5th International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST 2018) will take place September 23-26, 2018 in Antalya, Turkey at the Hotel Su.

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  • EUROQSAR-2018 Symposium


    22nd EuroQSAR (22nd European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships)
    Translational and Health Informatics: Implications for Drug Discovery

    The European Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (EuroQSAR) Symposia are major scientific events that have been organized in different cities of Europe since 1973. They have the fascinating scope to promote and disseminate advances in rational approaches in drug design and discovery and ensure a worldwide attendance of prominent scientists from both academia and industry.

    The 22nd EuroQSAR 2018 symposium, entitled “Translational and Health Informatics: Implications for Drug Discovery”, will take place September 16-20, 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece. It is a Turkish-Greek co-organization and an EFMC sponsored event.

    To honor his impact of his contributions in the field of computer-aided drug discovery (CADD) and QSAR, the 22 nd EuroQSAR Symposium is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Toshio Fujita (1929-2017).

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  • CMTPI 2009

    It is a great honor for us to cordially invite you to the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Methods in Toxicology and Pharmacology Integrating Internet Resources (CMTPI 2009), that will be held in Istanbul, Turkey from July 04 to 08, 2009, which is Dedicated to the 80th Birth Anniversary of Professor Toshio Fujita.

    Following the traditions of CMPTI-2001 (Bordeaux, France), CMTPI-2003 (Thessaloniki, Greece), CMTPI-2005 (Shanghai, China), and CMTPI-2007 (Moscow, Russia), CMTPI-2009 will provide an International forum for presentation and discussion, by both highly skilled professionals and young scientists, of recent progress and future trends in all aspects of Computational Methods in Toxicology and Pharmacology including the Internet resources. The Symposium will feature plenary lectures, oral talks and posters broadly covering the following fields:
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  • WCADD-2 Workshop


    Nowadays, almost all new drugs are discovered by rational drug design approaches. Inter- disciplinary research combined with computational techniques has the potential to lead the researchers to successful discovery of new drugs.

    “Turkish Computer Aided Drug Design and Development Society” cordially invites you to join the “2nd Workshop on Computer Aided Drug Design & Development: Molecular Modeling (WCADD-2)”, 26-29 June, Ankara, Turkey. The first  “Workshop on Computer-Aided Drug Design and Development (WCADD-1)”  was organized at 02-05 February 2007, Istanbul, Turkey which attracted many scientists from the University and Industrial settings. The main topic of WCADD-1 is Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR). This time Molecular Modeling in Computer Aided Drug Design will be the major topic of the workshop.

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  • AIMECS 07 (6th AFMC Symposium)


    It's been a great honour for us to be with you in the AIMECS 07, the 6th International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium organized by the Asian Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (AFMC), held in Istanbul-Turkey from July 08-11, 2007.

    The 6th AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium has gathered the medicinal chemists from all over the world by the contribution of the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC) and the American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry (ACSMC) as the participating organizations within this World Summit in Istanbul, the city that bridges the two great continents Asia and Europe.

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  • WCADD-1 Workshop


    02-05 Şubat 2007 tarihinde İstanbul’da Koç Üniversitesi'nde gerçekleştirilmiş olan “Bilgisayar Destekli İlaç Tasarımı ve Geliştirilmesi Uygulamalı Kursu, Kantitatif Yapı-Etki İlişkileri Analizleri - WCADD-1” toplantısında kurs katılımcıları ile birlikte olmaktan duyduğumuz mutluluğu ve bu toplantının yararlı bir çalışma olduğuna olan inancımızı belirtmek isteriz.

    Kantitatif Yapı-Etki İlişkileri bu kursun temel amacını oluşturmuştur. Bu nedenle katılımcılara kendi yazmış olduğumuz "Kantitatif Yapı-Etki İlişkileri Analizleri" kitabından birer nüsha vermiş bulunmaktayız. Tüm anlatılanlar detaylı olarak bu kitapta bulunmaktadır. Kitabın dışında anlatılan konular ise PDF dosyası halinde her bir katılımcının e-posta adresine gönderilmiştir.

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  • EUROQSAR-2004 Simpósium


    The 15th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships & Molecular Modelling, 05-10 September 2004, Istanbul, Turkey

    Chair: Prof. Dr. Esin AKI SENER - Turkey
    Co-Chair: Prof. Dr. Ismail YALCIN - Turkey

    Total Number of Delegates: 457 (43 diff​erent countries from all over the world)

    Symposium Title

    "QSAR & Molecular Modelling in Rational Design of Bioactive Molecules"

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