AIMECS 07 (6th AFMC Symposium)
It's been a great honour for us to be with you in the AIMECS 07, the 6th International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium organized by the Asian Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (AFMC), held in Istanbul-Turkey from July 08-11, 2007.
The 6th AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium has gathered the medicinal chemists from all over the world by the contribution of the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC) and the American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry (ACSMC) as the participating organizations within this World Summit in Istanbul, the city that bridges the two great continents Asia and Europe.
Ismail YALCIN (Symposium Chairman) | Esin AKI (SENER) (Organizing Committee Chair) |
Total number of participation to the AIMECS 07 was 441. Participants were from 42 different countries all over the world. These countries were China, Hong Kong, Indenosia, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Korea, Kyrgyztan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand from Asia; Belgium, Crotia, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine from the continent Europe; Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa from Africa; Canada, USA, Brazil from America; Australia from Ocenia and Turkey, a bridge between two continents, from both Europe and Asia as the host country.
Distribution of the Participants:
220 from ACADEMIA, 50 %
95 from INDUSTRY, 21.5 %
126 as STUDENTS, 28.5 %

...Click on the AIMECS 07 Group Picture to enlarge it...
Opening Lecture: “Strategy-Life Cycle Management of Drugs” by Toshi-Hiko KOBAYASHI, AFMC Past President, PhRMA (USA), Japan
Syposium Web Site:
Organizing Committee
Chair: | Esin Aki (Sener) (AFMC, Turkey) |
Members: | Toshi-hiko Kobayashi (AFMC, Japan) David A. Winkler (AFMC, Australia) Ferran Sanz (EFMC, Spain) Muharrem Olcer (AFMC, Turkey) Ilkay Yildiz (AFMC, Turkey) Ozlem Temiz-Arpaci (AFMC, Turkey) Betul Tekiner-Gulbas (AFMC, Turkey) |
Scientific Advisory Board
- David Alker (EFMC, UK)
- Oznur Ates (Turkey)
- Altan Bilgin (Turkey)
- Moon-Ho Chang (Korea)
- Fener Chen (China)
- Mary Collins (Australia)
- Ercin Erciyas (Turkey)
- Mevlut Ertan (Turkey)
- Nobutaka Fujii (Japan)
- Toshio Fujita (Japan)
- Athina Gerinokaki (Greece)
- Renate Griffith (Australia)
- Zongru Guo (China)
- Aysel Gursoy (Turkey)
- Shunichi Hashimoto (Japan)
- Koichi Hirai (Japan)
| - Reuben Jih-Ru Hwu (Taiwan)
- Sang-Hun Jung (Korea)
- Yong Sup Lee (Korea)
- Norio Matsuki (Japan)
- Tetsuo Nagano (Japan)
- Shigenori Ohkawa (Japan)
- Sumru Ozkirimli (Turkey)
- Tom Perun (ACS, USA)
- Sevim Rollas (Turkey)
- Dave Rotella (ACS, USA)
- Masakatsu Shibasaki (Japan)
- Teruo Takayanagi (Japan)
- Hideo Utsumi (Japan)
- Dali Yin (China)
- Peter Wipf (ACS, USA)
- Li-He Zhang (China)
AIMECS 07 Organized by Asian Federation for Medicinal Chemistry
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSI)
The Chemical Society of Japan (CSI)
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry (JSBBA)
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (SSOCJ)
The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea (PSK)
The Korean Chemical Society (KCS)
Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (CPA)
China Pharmaceutical Industry Association (CPIA)
The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)
Chemical Society Located in Taipei (CSLT)
The Computer Aided Drug Design & Development Society in Turkey (CADD&D)
Managed by
The Computer Aided Drug Design & Development Society in Turkey (CADD&D)
Participating Organizations
European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC)
American Chemical Society, Division of Medicinal Chemistry (ACSMC)
Sponsored by
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
Plenary Lecturers
Masakatsu SHIBASAKI, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Colin WARD, CSIRO Molecular&Health Technologies, Australia
Johann GASTEIGER, Computer-Chemie-Centrum, Germany
Invited Lecturers
Raymond J. ANDERSEN, University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada
Patrick CHENE, Novartis, Switzerland
Alex TROPSHA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Hajime OHIGASHI, Kyoto University, Japan
Hisayoshi MORIAOKA, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan
Lak Shin JEONG, Ewha Womans University, Korea
Kazuei IGARASHI, Chiba University, Japan
Victor KARTSEV, InterBioScreen, Russia
Peter HENDERSON, University of Leeds, UK
Nobutaka FUJII, Kyoto University, Japan
Frank E. BLANEY, Computational&Structural Chemistry, UK
Soon Kil AHN, Chong Kun Dang Research Institute, Korea
Oral Presenters
Jose A. SALAS, Oncologia del Principado de Asturias, Spain
Jurgen ROHR, University of Kentucky, USA
Ming-Qiang ZHANG, Biotica Technology Ltd., UK
Frank E. KOEHN, Wyeth Research, New York, USA
Mino CAIRA, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Xavier BARRIL, Barcelona University, Spain
Turkan HALILOGLU, Bogazici University, Turkey
Alessio CIULLI, University of Cambridge, UK
Ichio SHIMADA, University of Tokyo, Japan
Massimiliano BONOMI, Computational Science, Switzerland
Maurizio BOTTA, Dipartimento Farmaco Chimico Tecnologico, Italy
Gregory J. TAWA, Wyeth Research, USA
Ilkay YILDIZ, Ankara University, Turkey
Pietro COZZINI, University of Parma, Italy
Bo Cheng WANG, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Vladimir A. PALYULIN, Moscow State University, Russia
Hirokazu KAWAGISHI, Shizuoka University, Japan
Hiroshi TERADA, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Jonathan B. BAELL, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia
Yutaka EBIZUKA, University of Tokyo, Japan
Jian-Yong WU, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Michael J. CAINE, Australia
Hulya CAYLI, Paragon Consultancy Incorporated, Turkey
Sanghee KIM, Seoul National University, Korea
Jae-Sang RYU, Ewha Womans University, Korea
Moohi YOO, Dong-A Pharmaceutical Co., Korea
Mao-Sheng CHENG, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China
Yong-Chul KIM, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Tetsuo NAGANO, University of Tokyo, Japan
Naoki UMEZAWA, Nagoya City University, Japan
Norio MATSUKI, University of Tokyo, Japan
David ARAGONES, Prous Institute for Biomedical Research, Spain
Tomofumi SANTA, University of Tokyo, Japan
Jung-Mi HAH, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
David Winkler, CSIRO Molecular&Health Technologies, Australia
Jasbir Singh, deCODE Chemistry&Biostructures, Iceland
Nino RUSSO, Universita della Calabria, Italy
Yousef AL-ABED, Yale University, USA
Vladimir POTEMKIN, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia
Hermann LAGE, Institute of Pathology, Germany
Renate GRIFFITH, University of Newcastle, Australia
Tanil KOCAGOZ, Yeditepe University, Turkey
Po-Huang LIANG, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
NAgy MORSY, Osaka University, Japan
Biing-Jiun UANG, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Tetsuro KIKUCHI, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Japan
Yuusaku YOKOYAMA, Toho University, Japan
Kunisuke IZAWA, Ajinomoto Co. Inc., Japan
Dae-Kee KIM, Ewha Womans University, Korea
Henry J. LEE, FLorida A&M University, USA
Jih Ru HWU, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Thomas MAVROMOUSTAKOS, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, Germany
Noritaka KURODA, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., Japan
Serdar KUYUCAK, University of Sydney, Australia
Tomoyuki SAITO, University of Toyama, Japan
Hsing-Pang HSIEH, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
Seonggu RO, CrystalGenomics Inc., Korea
Jang-Yang CHANG, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
Aleem GANGJEE, Duquesne University, USA
Alessandra MAGISTRATO, CNR-INFM, Italy
Vasiliki VALLA, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Topics of the AIMECS 07 Symposium
Chemistry for pharmaceuticals
New synthetic methods
Process chemistry
Chemical genomics
New drug targets
Endogenous substances
Receptors, enzymes, channels
Genomic pharmacology
Drug metabolism and toxicology
Drug delivery
Medicinal bioengineering
New methods for drug discovery
Analytical & physico-pharmaceutical chemistry
High-throughput medicinal & combinatorial advances
Lead identification & optimization
Predictive in silico methods
Structural biology for drug development
Complex systems approaches
Cheminformatics and QSAR
Computational chemistry
Protein-Protein Interactions (EFMC Session)
Reversal of multi-drug resistance
New Antibiotics
New Antifungal Agents
New Antiviral Agents
Natural products in drug discovery
Recent approaches in anticancer therapy
Biomarkers in HPS through clinical development
Intellectual Property (IP) and Regulatory affairs
Clinical trials issues
Registration issues
Spinoffs and new businesses
The role and significance of Preclinical studies in drug development
Recent Innovations in the Development of Anti-tumor Natural Products (ACSMC Session)